
2ème présentation de "Showroom LA FETE"

On sera très heureux de vous faire découvrir
SHOWROOM LA FETE, composé en trois marques:

the shadow of your smile / unbounded AWE / LOVE.

La présentation de collection Automne-Hiver 2010/2011 aura lieu,
du 6 mars 2010 au 9 mars 2010, à 16 rue pavée 75004 Paris.
On se tien à votre disposition pour toutes demandes
de visuels, d'informations, d'interview et de reportage.
A très bientôt !

Showroom_La Fête


  1. Hi! I just want you to know I stumbled upon the "Laykuni" brand on accident, and I LOVE it. I'm currently interested in fashion in Seoul. I'm an illustrator and typically very interested in street fashion from around the world!

    I hope to find out more about your brand, and I want to follow your blog. Thank you!!


  2. you could visit our official website www.laykuni.com
    there are our blog linked and collections as well.

    Thanks for your attention~~

  3. Hi guys! A great showroom that happened to be simply next door :), and an absolutely unboundedly AWEsome collection to LOVE. Thanks for your welcome! Was a pleasure to meet you.
    Enjoy the rest of your stay in Paris!:)
    Bonne chance et bon courage
    Natalia & Konstantin
